Tuesday, 25 December 2018

The Legendary Pink Dots' Christmas Special 2018

Legendary Pink Dots
The Legendary Pink Dots' Christmas Special 2018 EP

1. Chrystopia [20:44]
2. Chrystopia 2 - The Closing Credits [4:00]


Soulseek search: Legendary Pink Dots Christmas Special 2018

Thursday, 20 December 2018

The colorful black

St. Peter Dance

Peter Murphy & David J
40 years of Bauhaus Ruby Celebration Tour
Belgrade Hangar, 09.11.2018.

And St. Peter Dance went on and on...

... despite food poisoning. (photo: David J on Facebook)

Have to be honest: this concert got way much better than expected - due to hall replacement (from Dom Omladine to larger place of Hangar) and especially for setlist as the very heart of this tour. "In The Flat Field" IS definitely the very first goth-rock full-time album, and has to be played each year on punk's grave.

Full gig playlist on Setlist.Fm
Personal gig photo album on Facebook.

Until... the oldman became young&restless again.

Peter Murphy & David J
40 years of Bauhaus Ruby Celebration Tour
Stockholm Nalen, 12.12.2018.

Gig playlist (up to the "incident") on Setlist.Fm

So, it simply had to happen: Nerves got their own - after full month of touring - in Stockholm.

Various playhalls, sickness, (frequent) annoying bad sound enginering, along with fans chattering louder than music, made St. Peter's Dance stop and explode into a furious bottles whirling around him, ending faced-down upon cold pavement after brawling with some venue staff and security.

So, before reading news and "news", articles and "articles", blogposts and "blogposts" - such as NME, Aftonbladet, Pitchfork, Reddit, Louder Than War, Brooklyn Wegan, Consequence Of Sound, and countless Facebook and Twitter posts&comments, keep this on mind:

Peter Murphy is not The God. He's just a goth-rock-music pop icon. A man, spoilt but loved.
Remember that.

Tuesday, 18 December 2018

Ghost Dance - Acoustic: Spin The Wheel (2018)

Ghost Dance
Acoustic: Spin The Wheel

Acoustic versions of Ghost Dance classics. Recorded by Stan Greenwood and Anne Marie Hurst March 2017. Released June 4, 2018.

01. The Last Train [3:12]
02. Down To The Wire [4:12]
03. Stop The World [4:36]
04. Celebrate [3:24]
05. I Will Wait [3:51]
06. Yesterday Again [4:42]
07. River Of No Return [3:24]
08. Nothing Without You [4:27]
09. Grip Of Love [2:43]
10. Cinder Road [5:08]
11. A Deeper Blue [3:43]
12. Heaven & Beyond [3:17]
13. Spin The Wheel [5:00]

The Rezillos - Flying Saucer Attack: The Complete Recordings 1977-1979 (2018)

The Rezillos
Flying Saucer Attack: The Complete Recordings 1977-1979 2CD

The Rezillos' collection, "Flying Saucer Attack: The Complete Recordings 1977-1979", has the classic "Can’t Stand the Rezillos"; "Mission Accomplished… But the Beat Goes On", the follow-up live album from 1979 that captures a rough-and-ready show recorded in Glasgow; and a collection of singles, alternate versions, and two tracks that were cut from the live album. The band’s output was already gathered up on 1993’s "Can’t Stand the Rezillos: The (Almost) Complete Rezillos" reissue, but this one is (Totally) Complete. The addition of 7″ versions of tracks from the record is nice, the live tracks are fun (especially the ripping take on "Flying Saucer Attack"), and the two alternative versions, especially the stripped-down and punchy "(My Baby Does) Good Sculptures" are a great addition. The improved sound, the snappy packaging, and the extra tracks make this a necessary upgrade from the older collection.

01. Flying Saucer Attack [2:51]
02. No [2:23]
03. Somebody's Gonna Get Their Head Kicked In Tonite [1:57]
04. Top Of The Pops [2:58]
05. 2000 A.D. [2:59]
06. It Gets Me [2:11]
07. I Can't Stand My Baby [2:24]
08. Glad All Over [2:08]
09. (My Baby Does) Good Sculptures [3:10]
10. I Like It [1:48]
11. Getting Me Down [2:09]
12. Cold Wars [2:57]
13. Bad Guy Reaction [2:19]
14. I Can't Stand My Baby (7" version) [2:39]
15. I Wanna Be Your Man [2:05]
16. (My Baby Does) Good Sculptures (7" version) [2:53]
17. Flying Saucer Attack (7" version) [2:59]
18. Top Of The Pops (7" version) [3:23]
19. 20,000 Rezillos Under The Sea [3:22]
20. Destination Venus [3:38]
21. Mystery Action [2:53]

01. Top Of The Pops (Live In Glasgow) [2:55]
02. Mystery Action (Live In Glasgow) [2:45]
03. Someone's Gonna Get Their Head Kicked In Tonite (Live In Glasgow) [1:49]
04. Thunderbirds Are Go (Live In Glasgow) [2:32]
05. Cold Wars (Live In Glasgow) [2:57]
06. Teenbeat (Live In Glasgow) [3:06]
07. No (Live In Glasgow) [2:13]
08. Land Of A Thousand Dances (Live In Glasgow) [2:14]
09. I Need You (Live In Glasgow) [1:49]
10. Culture Shock (Live In Glasgow) [3:11]
11. Getting Me Down (Live In Glasgow) [2:01]
12. Ballroom Blitz (Live In Glasgow) [4:47]
13. (My Baby Does) Good Sculptures (Live In Glasgow) [3:03]
14. Destination Venus (Live In Glasgow) [4:24]
15. Cold Wars (Live In Glasgow 7" mix) [3:04]
16. Flying Saucer Attack (Live In Glasgow) [2:47]
17. Twist And Shout (Live In Glasgow) [2:07]
18. Good Sculptures (alternative version) [3:40]
19. Getting Me Down (alternative version) [2:22]

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Soulseek search: rezillos 2018

Wednesday, 12 December 2018

Boneshaker - Rumble (2018)


Fast & furious dirty Punk'n'Roll from Belgrade, Serbia.

01. Wicked Crew [2:52]
02. On My Way [3:30]
03. Down And Out [3:20]
04. Get You Down [2:47]
05. Boneshaker [4:27]
06. A Night Out [3:47]
07. Three Day's Action [3:42]
08. Catclaw [3:17]
09. Last One In Bar [2:45]
10. Red Tuft [3:11]
11. Live Or Die (That's My Way) [3:24]

Inkubus Sukkubus - Sabrina. Goddess Of The Severn (2018)

Inkubus Sukkubus
Sabrina - Goddess Of The Severn: Tales Of Witchcraft And Wonder Volume Three

"Sabrina - Goddess of the Severn" is the third and final part of the Inkubus Sukkubus musical triptych "Tales of Witchcraft & Wonder" which has seen the release of "Barrow Wake" and "Belas Knap" albums interwoven within the regular Inkubus Sukkubus release schedule. As with the previous two titles of the series, it will be limited to 1,000 copies with only 200 available for distribution worldwide.

01. Sabrina - Once More and Again [5:10]
02. The Wych Elm's Secret [5:34]
03. Garden of Pain [6:12]
05. Datura Dreamer [5:43]
06. Return to Barrow Wake [5:06]
07. A Simple Girl [5:34]
08. She Has Fled to the Sacred Land [5:17]
09. In the Dark House [4:29]
10. This Bird Has Flown [4:57]
11. To the River a Life [4:53]
12. Warrior Queen [3:54]
13. Lest the Dead Return Again [6:06]
14. Sabrina - original version 1995 [4:06]

Friday, 7 December 2018

Leaether Strip - Telephone Operator (2018)

Leaether Strip
Telephone Operator (Pete Shelley Cover) R.I.P CD single

1. Telephone Operator [3:38]

Thursday, 6 December 2018

Forever fallen in love

Pete Shelley
(Peter Campbell McNeish)
17.04.1955. - 06.12.2018.

Pit Šeli, pevač, gitarista i jedan od osnivača Buzzcocksa, kako prenosi BBC, preminuo je u 63. godini.
Šeli je sredinom sedamdesetih godina, zajedno sa sa Hauardom Divotom, formirao The Buzzcocks. Bend je debitovao 1976. godine, kao predgrupa na koncertu Sex Pistols u Mančesteru. Sledeće godine su objavili svoj debi "Spiral Scratch" EP. Iako je učestvovao u pisanju i snimanju pesama sa tog EP-ja, Divoto napušta bend neposredno pred objavljivanje te ploče. Umesto njega, gitaru u ruke uzima Stiv Digl koji svoj bas predaje Stivu Garviju. Buzzcocks su objavili 3 albuma pre svog prvog razlaza 1981. godine. Svi njihovi singlovi snimljeni u periodu od 1977. do 1979. objavljeni su zajedno na kompilaciji "Singles Going Steady" (1979), uključujući hitove "Everybody's Happy Nowadays", "What Do I Get?", "Ever Fallen In Love... (With Someone You Shouldn't've)" (možda i najpoznatija Šelijeva pesma) kao i mnoge druge.
Šeli je objavio četiri studijska solo albuma i desetak singlova pre nego što se bend ponovo ujedinio 1989. godine. Deveti i poslednji album Buzzcocksa "The Way" objavljen je 2014. godine. Svoj poslednji, peti solo album "Cinema Music And Wallpaper Sounds" Šeli je objavio 2016. godine.

Sunday, 2 December 2018

Death In June - Essence! (2018)

Death In June
Essence! 12'' vinyl / CASS

01. Welcome To Country [1:00]
02. God A Pale Curse [5:03]
03. The Trigger [5:16]
04. Snipers Of The Maidan [3:18]
05. The Humble Brag [5:05]
06. Going Dark [5:02]
08. No Belief [4:07]
09. The Pole Star Of Eden [3:49]
10. What Will Become Of Us? [3:36]
11. My Florida Dawn [3:25]

Google search: page 1 - page 2 - page 3 - page 4
Soulseek search: Death In June Essence

Friday, 30 November 2018

Front Line Assembly feat. Robert Görl - Eye on You (2018)

Front Line Assembly feat. Robert Görl
Eye on You EP

FLA song taken from the album "Wake Up The Coma", coming early 2019. and featuring Robert Görl of D.A.F.

Google search: page 1 - page 2 - page 3 - page 4

Current 93 - The Light Is Leaving Us All (2018)

Current 93
The Light Is Leaving Us All

01. The Birds Are Sweetly Singing [3:45]
02. The Policeman Is Dead [5:28]
03. Bright Dead Star [4:22]
04. 30 Red Houses [3:19]
05. A Thousand Witches [5:45]
06. Your Future Cartoon [2:49]
07. The Postman Is Singing [5:59]
08. The Bench And The Fetch [4:01]
09. The Kettle’s On [3:49]
10. Fair Weather [4:49]
11. The Milkmaid Sings [1:59]

Google search: page 1 - page 2 - page 3 - page 4

Thursday, 29 November 2018

Deine Lakaien - The 30 Years Retrospective Live (2CD) (2018)

Deine Lakaien
The 30 Years Retrospective Live 2CD

01. Away [6:15]
02. Colour-Ize [6:35]
03. Gone [4:39]
04. Lonely [4:45]
05. Mahnung [2:09]
06. Dormi [4:00]
07. Selig [5:33]
08. Over and Done [5:44]
09. Where You Are [4:37]
10. The Man with the Silver Gun [4:49]
11. Sweet Life [4:42]
12. Return [5:52]
13. Fighting the Green [7:29]

01. The Walk to the Moon [4:57]
02. Contact [5:05]
03. Where the Winds Don't Blow [4:37]
04. Begirlich in dem hertzen min [4:53]
05. Omnis Mundi Creatura [6:35]
06. Cupid's Disease [5:12]
07. Seraphim [5:17]
08. Mein Weg [4:53]
09. Reincarnation [6:45]
10. Dark Star [5:54]
11. One Night [4:05]
12. Mindmachine [6:52]
13. Overpaid [5:05]
14. Love Me to the End [7:01]

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