Monday, 26 February 2018

Blaine L. Reininger & Steven Brown ‎- Monte Albán (2016)

Blaine L. Reininger & Steven Brown
Monte Albán

1. First Song [2:56]
2. Ares March [8:10]
3. Air On Loving [4:24]
4. Colibrì [7:56]
5. Walking The Dog With Mssrs. M. [4:04]
6. 6 [4:48]
7. Piano Vignette [3:24]
8. Ixtla Mysterium [5:46]
9. Quetzalcóatl Enters the City of Bruxelles [4:17]

Soulseek search: Reininger Brown Monte Alban

Friday, 23 February 2018

MGT - Gemini Nyte (2018)

Gemini Nyte

The exciting new goth rock project from MGT - Mark Gemini Thwaite (collaborating guitarist of The Mission, Peter Murphy, Ville Valo, Al Jourgensen, Sex Gang Children,  The March Violets, Gary Numan, Tricky, Theatre Of Hate etc.) and Ashton Nyte (The Awakening). Features special guests Big Paul Ferguson (Killing Joke) and Burton C. Bell (Fear Factory). Released February 23, 2018.

02. Every Little Dream [4:17]
03. Dystopia [3:47]
04. Trading Faces [4:57]
05. Everything Undone [5:09]
06. The Reaping (Reprise) [4:34]
07. Say Hello Wave Goodbye [5:30]
08. The Assembly Line [4:47]
09. Armageddon's Sideshow [5:05]
10. Tear The Sun [4:54]
11. Waiting For A Sign [04:34]
12. Hide Your Secret [4:24]
13. Atlanta [5:35]

All Music Album
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MGT - The Assembly Line EP (2018)

The Assembly Line EP

"The Assembly Line (Cured mix)" - featuring Laurence (Lol) Tolhurst & Paul (Porl/Pearl) Thompson, founder members of The Cure. This is special remix of two songs taken from upcoming new MGT album "Gemini Nyte". Line-up: Marc Gemini Thwaite, Ashton Nyte, Lol Tolhurst, Porl Thompson. Released February 16, 2018.

1. The Assembly Line (Cured Mix) [5:17]
2. All the Broken Things (Tolhurst remix) [5:55]

Thursday, 15 February 2018

Give Me New Noise : Half​-​Mute Reflected (2016)

Give Me New Noise : Half​-​Mute Reflected

A tribute album for which 13 artists (Foetus, Simon Fisher Turner, Aksak Maboul etc. feat. contributions by original Tuxedomoon members) have specially created covers of all songs from Tuxedomoon's classic "Half-Mute" (1980) and from the album's associated singles. Released April 29, 2016.

01. Simon Fisher Turner - Nazca [3:05]
02. Zero Gravity Thinkers - 59 to 1 [5:02]
03. The Man From Managra feat. Blaine L. Reininger - Fifth Column (Vocal Version) [2:53]
04. Norscq - Tritone (Musica Diablo) [2:54]
05. Cult With No Name - Loneliness [3:17]
06. DopplAr - James Whale [2:42]
07. Foetus - What Use? [3:54]
08. Palo Alto feat. Steven Brown - Volo Vivace [3:19]
09. Georgio ‘the Dove’ Valentino with Grey Lotus - 7 Years [3:08]
10. 2kilos &More with Julius Gabriel - KM / Seeding The Clouds [11:46]
11. Aksak Maboul - Tritone (Musica Diablo) [3:39]
12. Non Finito Orchestra - Crash (Extended Version) [7:41]
13. El Tiger Comics Group - Dark Companion [4:19]

Friday, 9 February 2018

Children turns 30

Iako su krenuli kao ogranak čuvenog britanskog goth-rock sastava The Sisters Of Mercy, The Mission su uspeli da prevaziđu i zasene svoje prethodnike već po izlasku svog debi albuma, a sveukupno gledano njihova karijera je bila daleko plodnija od ekipe okupljene oko Eldritcha. Dok su SoM izdali svoja 3 (prava) albuma, The Mission su uspeli da objave 11 - mada tu nije bilo nikakvog nadmetanja. Oba benda su u potpunosti zaslužila svoj brend i za sobom su ostavili muzičko nasleđe koje još uvek ima uticaja na današnje bendove i fanove tog muzičkog žanra.
Bend su 1995. godine u Leedsu osnovala dvojica bivših članova SoM - Wayne Hussey (glas, gitara) i Craig Adams (bas), zajedno sa bubnjarom Mickom Brownom (Red Lorry Yellow Lorry) i gitaristom Simonom Hinklerom (Artery, Pulp). U narednih 30 godina, The Mission su objavili 11 studijskih albuma - od "God's Own Medicine" (1986) do "Another Fall From Grace" (2016). "God's Own Medicine" je imao jaku kohezivnu listu mumera, "Carved In Sand" je od svih njihovih albuma bio najveći pop-hit, album "Children" (1988) i dalje ostaje njihovo vrhunsko i najprogresivnije delo. Na njemu su Hussey i ekipa raskrstili sa inhibicijama, neustrašivo se suprotstavili normativima muzičke industrije, prevazišli standardo četvorominutno ograničenje pop-muzike. Prošlo je 30 godina od rođenja "Children", ali njegove pesme i dalje zvuče snažno, samouvereno i odvažno kao i prvog dana.

Album "Children" je objavljen početkom februara 1988. godine za Mercury Records, i za njega se slobodno može reći da je u potpunosti konceptualan. Otvara ga epska, osmominutna numera "Beyond the pale", miks hindu-psihodelije i goth-rocka, začinjena vokalom Julianne Reagan (All About Eve). Ta atmosfera se nastavlja na "A wing and a prayer" i suptilno-dramatičnoj "Fabienne", prepuna sintisajzera i režećih gitarskih fuzova.
Poluakustična, rustična, mračna, svečana i melodramatična "Heaven on Earth" nam donosi Husseyev vokal pun bola koji se sve vreme nadvija nad nama poput oblaka punih neizvesnosti. Taj nebeski tok potom - bez prekida - prelazi u impulsivnu "Tower of strength", koja nas u svojih osam minuta provede kroz čitavu lepezu gorkoslatkog zvuka ove pesme.
Hinklerov folk-gitarski stil dobija svoj puni sjaj u "Kingdom come", upotpunjen čvrstom ritam sekcijom Adamsa i Browna - pravi gothic rock u svom punom smislu. Jednominutna "Breathe" i razigrana "Child's play" ponovo donose melodičnu, inspirativnu i plesnu atmosferu.
Nakon uvodne "Shamera Kye", sledi folk-sentimentalna "Black Mountain mist" inspirisana planinčugama američkog Istoka, u kome glas Julianne Reagan upotpunjuje Husseyev poput nekog jevanđelja. Obradom "Dream on" (Aerosmith), The Mission jednostavno iznova dokazuju da mogu uzeti bilo koju (i čiju) pesmu i od nje, na način na koji samo oni to žele, naliniti svoju. Umotana u goth ruho, Tylerova pesma ima potpuno drugačiji sjaj - iako mračna, i dalje puna strasti. Pretposlednja numera "Heat" nas vraća u standardni gothic zvuk, u kome synth pleše u ogledalu dok britke gitare režu na sve strane. Konačno, album "Children" se završava kriptičnom, zloslutnom i mračnom, ali definitivno gothic kaubojskom šaradom "Hymn for America".

U narednih trideset godina, usledilo je još devet albuma koji su pratili trag "Children". Međutim, do danas, ovaj drugorođeni ostaje The Mission favorit broj jedan po mišljenju mnogih. Pustite "Children" da svira od početka do kraja, osetite njegove nimalo naivne gothic ekspresije, i obavezno imajte na umu da to "Dete", iako staro već trideset godina, i dalje deluje sve bolje i jače sa svakim novim preslušavanjem.

The Mission - Bending The Arc (Live at Cato) (2017)

The Mission
Bending The Arc (Live at Cato) 2CD

01. Black Cat Bone [6:07]
02. Serpent's Kiss [4:04]
03. Tyranny Of Secrets [4:11]
04. Swoon [5:40]
05. Sometimes The Brightest Light Comes From The Darkest Place [5:08]
06. Grip Of Disease [4:09]
07. Afterglow [6:28]
08. Can't See The Ocean For The Rain [4:41]
09. Dance On Glass [5:15]
10. Butterfly On A wheel [5:49]
11. Belief [7:13]
12. Met-Amor-Phosis [5:01]

01. Another Fall From Grace [4:55]
02. Evangeline [4:13]
03. Raising Cain [5:25]
04. Only You & You Alone [6:51]
05. Garden Of Delight [4:17]
06. Heat [4:04]
07. Blood On The Road [4:33]
08. Like A Child Again [3:18]
09. Everything But The Squeal [5:00]
10. Never's Longer Than Forever [5:35]
11. Coming Home [2:46]
12. Swan Song [6:38]
13. Marian [6:43] hidden track

Google search: page 1 - page 2 - page 3 - page 4

Tuesday, 6 February 2018

The Defects - Feed the good dog (2017)

The Defects
Feed the good dog

Feed The Good Dog’ is the third studio album from Belfast punk legends The Defects since they reformed in 2010. The Defects may still arguably be best known for the original incarnation of the band’s one and only album, the wonderful ‘Defective Breakdown’ in 1983, but the current incarnation have built a fearsome reputation of their own through incendiary live shows and the previous albums, and this one can only build on that. "Feed The Good Dog" pretty much picks up from where 2015’s rather fine ’45 Minutes’ left off, so if you liked that one, you’re guaranteed to like this one.

01. Another Promise Broken [3:13]
02. Hunter Versus Hunter [3:05]
03. Gate Crash [3:22]
05. Arch Enemy [4:15]
06. Made To Break [3:26]
07. 30 Million Dollar Swindle [3:40]
08. Third Time Lucky [3:36]
09. Theatre Of War [2:48]
10. Action Junkie [4:50]

Sunday, 4 February 2018

Warsaw - Wires (2018)

Wires EP

Sparked from the disbanding of San Diego's ILYA in 2015, Warsaw is a four piece comprised of Demetrius Antuña and John Mattos (both formerly of ILYA) along with Rebecca Antuña and Lance LaFave of KATA. Warsaw has taken a few elements from both of these bands, but have wholly defined and refined a sound all of their own. With a much more straightforward approach to song structures yet maintaining a unique dark, sexy and sinister sound with an almost cinematic mood.

1. Hunters [4:10]
2. Hollow [4:38]
3. Bones [4:24]
4. Distant [4:29]
5. Foundations [6:06]
6. Cold [4:05] (The Cure cover)

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