Wednesday, 29 August 2018

Walter Lure And The Waldos - Wacka Lacka Boom Bop a Loom Bam Boo (2018)

Walter Lure And The Waldos
Wacka Lacka Boom Bop a Loom Bam Boo

The first album in 24 years from legendary Heartbreakers guitarist/vocalist Walter Lure. Features both brilliant new tunes such as "Damn Your Soul" as well as killer new versions of Heartbreakers classics "London Boys" and "Take A Chance On Me!" The lead off track "Crazy Kids" is featured in a full-length film "Thunders - Room 37", which dramatizes the final days of Lure's former bandmate, Johnny ThundersWalter Lure works as a stock broker on Wall Street but still performs in NYC with The Waldos. He also travels around the globe playing when his day job allows the time for it.

01. Crazy Kids [3:28]
02. Damn Your Soul [2:56]
03. Where Were You (On Our Wedding Day)? [2:48]
04. London Boys [2:35]
05. Lazy Day [3:16]
06. Take A Chance On Me [3:15]
07. Wham Bam Boo [2:55]
08. Bye Bye Baby [3:41]
09. She Doesn't Love You [2:57]
10. Little Black Book [5:16]
11. Don't Mess With Cupid [2:42]
12. You Talk Too Much [2:23]

Google search: page 1 - page 2 - page 3 - page 4

Friday, 24 August 2018

Saltatio Mortis - Brot Und Spiele (2018)

Saltatio Mortis
Brot Und Spiele - Deluxe Edition 2CD

01. Ein Stück Unsterblichkeit (1:36)
02. Große Träume (3:19)
03. Dorn Im Ohr (3:36)
04. Ich Werde Wind (3:45)
05. Europa (3:33)
06. Spur Des Lebens (4:00)
07. Brot Und Spiele (3:36)
08. Nie Wieder Alkohol (3:00)
09. Träume Aus Eis (3:16)
10. Mittelalter (3:33)
11. Brunhild (3:37)
12. Besorgter Bürger (3:05)
13. Sie Tanzt Allein (3:23)

01. Präludium - Ad Fontes (2:43)
02. Heimdall (3:16)
03. Drachentanz (2:25)
04. Schon Wieder Herbst (4:24)
05. Epitaph To A Friend (3:54)
06. Ad Digitum Prurigo (2:58)
07. Herr Holkin (3:52)
08. Raghs-E-Pari (2:47)
09. Tränen Des Teufels (4:14)
10. Amo Lem Ad Nauseam (3:08)
11. Marselha (3:28)
12. Volta (3:29)
13. Mitt Hjerte Alltid Vanker (3:05)

Google search: page 1 - page 2 - page 3 - page 4

Corvus Corax - Skal (2018)

Corvus Corax

01. Intro Yggdrasill [1:01]
02. Yggdrasill [4:29]
03. Her Wirt [6:09]
04. Sauf Noch Ein [4:44]
05. Hugin & Munin (feat. Arndis Halla) [5:11]
06. Pfeifsack [4:20]
07. Hol Bier Herbei [4:17]
08. Skál [6:04]
09. Eine Jungfrau (feat. Cesair) [4:46]
10. Die Rose [5:37]
11. Ofermod [5:50]
12. Hugin & Munin (L'art Mystique remix) [4:36]

Monday, 20 August 2018

Shriekback - Why Anything? Why This? (2018)

Why Anything? Why This?

The music industry may be in a state of flux, but Shriekback are not. They continue to astound, and produce new and very original music. The new album, "Why Anything? Why This?" has some trademark Shriekback moments, but the band continues to grow, experiment and develop. It is three albums worth of Shriekback coming back together. The band has never really broken up, although members have come and gone throughout their 30 year plus history. But the core trio have completed a tour in 2017 and now this new album. This is a band who continues to rediscover the joy of playing together and producing music.

01. Shovelheads [5:14]
02. And The Rain [5:10]
03. Catmandu [3:48]
04. Such, Such Are The Joys [5:16]
05. Wriggle And Drone [4:03]
06. The Painter Paints [4:08]
07. Useless Treasure [3:20]
08. Church Of The Louder Light [4:03]
09. Sons Of The Dirt [3:59]
10. Thirty Seven [5:25]

Google search: page 1 - page 2 - page 3
SoulSeek search: Shriekback Why Anything Why This

Mortiis - The Perfect Reject (2018)

The Perfect Reject - remixes

01. Closer to The End (Cyras) [4:00]
02.Perfectly Defect (Ultrastate) [4:52]
03. Sensation of Guilt (Attacke) [6:24]
04. Closer to The End (Katscan) [5:38]
05. Perfectly Defect (X-Hate) [5:06]
06. The Punished (Instrumental) [6:54]
07. The Perfect Reject [4:16]
08. Closer to The End (XSRY) [4:30]
09. Impossible to Believe (Cigarettes & Clip-Art) [5:00]
10. Sensation of Guilt (Katscan) [6:52]
11. Closer to The End (Attacke) [6:15]

Google search: page 1 - page 2 - page 3 - page 4

Mortiis - Perfectly Defect (2018)

Perfectly Defect - remastered bonused* reissue

01. Closer to the End [4:55]
02. Perfectly Defect [5:06]
03. The Sphere [5:04]*
04. Sensation of Guilt [6:18]
05. Sole Defeat [5:30]
06. Thieving Bastards [4:14]
07. The Punished [6:50]*
08. Halo of Arms [5:18]
09. Impossible to Believe [3:22]
10. This Absolution [5:54]
11. Hermaphro Superior [5:01]*
12. Contrition [2:40]*

Tuesday, 14 August 2018

We've Got A Bigger Problem Now

Welcome to 1984 
Are you ready for the Third World War?!?
You too will meet the secret police 
They'll draft you and they'll jail your niece
You'll go quietly to boot camp
They'll shoot you dead, make you a man
Don't worry, it's for a cause
Feeding global corporations' claws

Friday, 10 August 2018

Asta Kask - Historien Dömer Oss Alla (2018)

Asta Kask
Historien Dömer Oss Alla 12''

2. Några Jävla Spänn [3:40]
3. Först Kom De [0:52]
4. Om Du Skall Vara Rädd [2:28]
5. Historien Dömer Oss Alla [2:54]

Taste The Floor - Scam (2018)

Taste The Floor
Scam EP

Taste The Floor are hardcore-punk band from Roma, Italy. This is their 3rd studio release.

1. Death [1:42]
2. Civilization [1:36]
3. Feelin' The Pressure [0:27]
4. Hellbound [0:58]
5. Scam [1:23]
6. Some Pigs Are Pigger Than Others [1:19]
7. Still Here [1:08]
8. The Unloved [1:14]

Section 25 - Elektra (2018)

Section 25

01. Laid Back [5:56]
02. Chase The Blue [3:38]
03. Creatures [4:22]
04. All I Ask [3:57]
05. It Don’t Get [3:48]
06. You Want Some [4:18]
07. You Don’t Have To Be Liked To Be Good [4:03]
08. The Greatest Thing [4:21]
09. This Is The Love [5:48]
10. Floating Sun [4:13]
11. FML [4:03]

The Cool Greenhouse - London (2018)

The Cool Greenhouse
London 7''

One day, The Residents bought Casio pocket calculator and started playing music... but not. The Cool Greenhouse make sarcastic, repetitive lo-fi post-punk tracks that sound like they're fronted by a British version of Jonathan Richman. The Cool Greenhouse have enough mockery to go around. The band note that their 2nd 7", out via Market Square Records, comes with a genuine piece of London rubbish. Grab yours before England sinks into the sea.

1. London [3:55]
2. The End of the World [3:44]

The Gutz - Femina Vipera (2018)

The Gutz
Femina Vipera EP

Second E.P. from The Gutz, American punk rock band from Santa Cruz (California).

1. Bro Culture [3:05]
2. Snake In The Grass [3:20]
3. The Bridge [3:11]
4. Hastings [2:40]

Thursday, 2 August 2018


Zvezde što na nebu ih gledaš
Mrtve su više vekova
Svetlost njihova stvara iluziju
Života, svih ovih godina

Očima svojim ne verujem više
Samo srcu kad govori
Jezikom glasova zaboravljenih
Harmonija drevnih, tako da vidim

I Nebesa su samo iluzija
Kada ih gradiš na nebu visoko
I Pakao je konačno rešenje za one
Bez vere u život, lažima zaslepljene

Tu, u vrtu - izvor života
Tu, u vrtu - uživanja tajna
Iz utrobe rođeni
Posejani, sada rastu
Iz zemlje tamne do svetla
Da ponovo Sunce celivaju

Donela je cveće
Da bol mi olakša
Donela je svetlost
Tu, gde tama vlada

I što više gledam
To mi život više znači
K'o što voliš lude snove zemaljske
Tako ona peva za tebe i mene

Ne zanima me ništa van ovoga sveta
Jedino mi je stalo do tebe
Za Majke Prirode dar života
Što Raj sačini za tebe i mene

Brendan Perry "Crescent"
(Ark, 2010)

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