Thursday, 31 December 2015


Spot the Yule Blackatree.

We, The Blackatz, wish you all the luck in the World in 2016.
You'll need it, trust us.

Tuesday, 29 December 2015

Ghost town

Ian Fraser Lemmy Killminster
- Motorhead -
24.12.1945. - 28.12.2015.

John Bradbury
- The Specials -
16.02.1953. - 29.12.2015.


This town is coming like a ghost town
All the clubs have been closed down
This place is coming like a ghost town
Bands won't play no more

The Specials

Monday, 28 December 2015

I Wanna Be Sedated

24 časa pre polaska
ne želim ništa da radim, ne želim nikuda da idem
Samo me posadite u invalidska kolica
odvedite do aerodroma, ubacite u avion
brzo, brzo, pre nego što poludim
jer prsti na rukama i mozak stvarno više nisu moji

24 časa pre početka,
neću ništa da radim, nikuda da idem
Istresite me u ona kolica i odvedite na šou
brzo, brzo, pre nego što odlepim
jer svi prsti na rukama i nogama više nisu moji
Dajte nešto za smirenje

The Ramones

Saturday, 26 December 2015

Sin is an imaginary disease

Greh je izmišljena bolest, koju su smislili da bi vam prodavali izmišljeni lek za nju.

Atheist Republic

Thursday, 24 December 2015

Full Moon, Rudolph

Nakon punih 38 godina ponovo pada pun Mesec 25. decembra, pa još na gregorijanski Božić (gle čuda...). Astronomi očekuju da bude najveći oko 6 sati izjutra - gde god vas zatekne na kugli Zemaljskoj u to doba, shodno lokalnoj vremenskoj zoni.

Dakle, weichnachtsvollmondamok može da počne.

Rudolfe, miran...

Tuesday, 22 December 2015

Without people you're nothing

Danas po 13. put svet obeležava tzv. Joe Strummer Day, u znak sećanja na jednog od prvih punk rock bandita, muzičara i tekstopisca, voditelja radio emisija, glumca i političkog aktivistu. Došao je 21. avgusta 1952. godine u Ankaru (Turska) kao Džon Grejem Melor, a otišao 22. decembra 2002. iz Brumfilda (UK) kao Džo Stramer.

Tih pedeset godina "između", popunio je saradnjom sa bendovima 101'ers (1 album), The Clash (6), The Latino Rockabilly War (1), The Mescaleros (3). Takođe, sa The Pogues je proveo godinu dana na turneji menjajući najurenog Shane MacGowana.
Glumio je u desetak igranih i dokumentarnih filmova, za neke radio ili odabirao soundtrack, sam je režirao i jedan "nemi" dokumentarac (Hell W10, 1983).

The Future Is Unwritten, full documentary
(Julien Temple, 2007)

Stramer je oduvek želeo da bude DJ na BBC radiju. Želja mu je ispunjena 1998. godine kada je vodio serijal jednočasovnih emisija pod nazivom "Joe Strummer's London Calling", gde je puštao muziku iz svoje kolekcije ploča - pank, rege, folk, džez, afrobit - sve ono što je uticalo na njegovu karijeru i sam život.

Joe Strummer's London Calling, 8 episodes
(BBC Radio)

Fondacija Stramervil (pun zvaničan naziv je The Joe Strummer Foundation For New Music) osnovana je 2002. neposredno po Džoovoj smrti. To je neprofitna organizacija, koja za cilj ima popularizaciju nepoznatih bendova, promociju i razvoj novih muzičkih stilova. Ove godine je objavila dva albuma-kompilacije raznih izvođača sa pesmama čiji je autor bio Džo Stramer.
- Strummerville A Go Go #1 (17.08.2015)
- Strummerville A Go Go #2 (10.12.2015)

Šta bi nam danas poručio Džo Stramer?
Garantovano bi podržao to što radi fondacija koja nosi njegovo ime, jer to jeste bila njegova vizija koju održavaju živom. Treba uvek imati na umu njegove reči:

Ako nema ljudi, ne postojiš.

Monday, 21 December 2015

Dark room, black cat...

Filozofija - kada u mračnoj sobi tražite crnu mačku.
Metafizika - kada u mračnoj sobi tražite crnu mačku koja uopšte nije tu.
Teologija - kada u mračnoj sobi tražite crnu mačku koja uopšte nije tu, i urlate "Otkrio sam je!".
Nauka - kada uzmete baterijsku lampu u ruke pa krenete u potragu za crnom mačkom u mračnoj sobi.

Sve ovo važi pod uslovom da "mračna soba" podrazumeva kako u njoj nema svetla, prekidača za električnu sijalicu koji je obično (za neupućene) na zidu kraj ulaznih vrata. Ili tako, ili je neko ovde retard - i to poveći.

A možda je neko namerno ugasio svetlo kako bi smo dangubili u lovu na crnu mačku, umesto da ga upalimo i izađemo napolje. Iz svojih glava, u svet.
U mraku su, ionako, sve mačke crne.

Mislite o tome.

Sunday, 20 December 2015

The Skids - The Virgin Years (2015)

The Skids
The Virgin Years 6CD Box

A monster of a release: 6 CDs and 113 tracks covering the Virgin Records career of acclaimed new wave legends - The Skids.
Disc 1 is the No.19 charting debut LP Scared To Dance complete with eight bonus tracks and including the hit singles "Sweet Suburbia" (No.70) and "The Saints Are Coming" (No.48) and "Into The Valley" (No.10).
Disc 2 features the original Days In Europa album which hit No.32 back in 1979 and includes hit 45’s like "Charade" (No.31) and "Working For The Yankee Dollar" (No.20) as well as the bonus of a version of Mott The Hoople’s "All The Young Dudes" from a BBC Radio 1 Kid Jensen session.
Disc 3 is the No.9 charting The Absolute Game album complete with the bonus Strength Through Joy LP. Includes UK hit singles "Circus Games" (No.32), "Goodbye Civilian" (No.52) and "Woman In Winter" (No.49).
The bands fourth album Joy has never before been issued on CD so here it is on Disc 4 along with six bonus tracks!
Disc 5 sees for the first time on CD the remixed version of the Days In Europa album which includes the hit single "Masquerade" (No.14). Also included is The BBC In Concert show from March 1979.
Disc 6 is another Skids collectors dream - all five of the bands sessions for John Peel! The twenty one tracks include many never re-recorded by the band and all are appearing here on CD for the first time.
Add in a detailed 40 page booklet with detailed sleeve notes by band devotee Tim Barr and all overseen by the official website and you have the Ultimate Skids release! 

cd1 - Scared To Dance

01. Into The Valley [3:17]
02. Scared To Dance [3:18]
03. Of One Skin [2:26]
04. Dossier Off Fallibility [3:32]
05. Melancholy Soldiers [3:03]
06. Hope And Glory [3:18]
07. The Saints Are Coming [2:37]
08. Six Times [2:09]
09. Calling The Tune [4:01]
10. Integral Plot [2:38]
11. Charles [2:47]
12. Scale [4:44]
13. Sweet Surburbia [2:31]
14. Open Sound [1:55]
15. Night And Day [2:39]
16. Contusion [2:43]
17. TV Stars Live From Marquee UK 1978 / 2007 Digital Remaster [2:14]
18. Charles 7 Version [2:34]
19. Reasons [4:14]
20. Test Tube Babies [2:04]

cd2 - Days In Europa

01. Animation [4:49]
02. Charade [3:54]
03. Dulce Et Decorum Est Pro Pantria Mori [4:07]
04. Pros Ans Cons [3:19]
05. Home Of The Saved [5:07]
06. Working For The Yankee Dollar [4:55]
07. The Olympian [3:30]
08. Thanatos [4:07]
09. A Day In Europe [3:03]
10. Peaceful Time [5:04]
11. Out Of Town [4:16]
12. Another Emotion [3:01]
13. Aftermath Dub [2:59]
14. Grey Parade [4:37]
15. Vanguards Crusade [4:39]
16. All The Young Dudes [3:24]

cd3 - The Absolute Game + Strength Through Joy

01. Circus Games [3:51]
02. Out Of Time [4:07]
03. Goodbye Civilian [4:16]
04. The Children Saw The Shame [3:40]
05. A Woman In The Winter [5:55]
06. Hurry On Boys [3:42]
07. Happy To Be With You [3:35]
08. The Devils Decade [5:33]
09. One Decree [3:24]
10. Arena [5:22]
11. Circus Games 7" version [4:06]
12. Goodbye Civilian 7" version [3:29]
13. Monkey Mcguire Meets Specky Potter Behind Lochore Institute [2:51]
14. An Indicent In Algier [3:33]
15. Grievance [3:21]
16. Strenght Through Joy [1:49]
17. Filming In Africa [3:36]
18. A Man For All Seasons [1:49]
19. Snakes And Ladders [3:58]
20. Surgical Triumph [2:03]
21. The Bell Jar [2:36]

cd4 - Joy

01. Blood And Soil [4:00]
02. A Chanllenge The Wanderer [6:11]
03. Men Of Mercy [1:12]
04. A Memory [5:16]
05. Iona [6:53]
06. In Fear Of Fire [0:43]
07. Brothers [3:13]
08. And The Band Played Waltzing Matilda 2003 digital remaster [5:32]
09. The Man Of The Fall [6:14]
10. The Sound Of Retreat Instrumental [3:08]
11. Fields [4:31]
12. Iona 7" version 1 [3:22]
13. Blood And Soil 7" version [3:13]
14. Iona 7" version 2 [5:07]
15. Fields 7" mix [3:32]
16. Brave Man 7' mix [3:36]
17. Brave Man 12" mix [6:43]

cd5 - The Days In Europa (remixed) + The BBC In Concert 1979

01. Animation - remix [4:31]
02. Charade - remix [4:02]
03. Dulce Et Decorum Est Pro Patria Mori - remix [4:41]
04. The Olympian - remix [3:28]
05. Home Of The Saved - remix [4:43]
06. Working For The Yankee Dollar - remix [3:39]
07. Thanatos - remix [4:00]
08. Masquerade - remix [2:45]
09. A Day In Europe - remix [2:58]
10. Peaceful Times - remix [5:06]
11. Of One Skin - Live At The Paris Theatre London UK 1979 [2:48]
12. Melancholy Soldiers - Live At The Paris Theatre London UK 1979 [3:18]
13. Scared To Dance - Live At The Paris Theatre London UK 1979 [3:34]
14. Integral Plot - Live At The Paris Theatre London UK 1979 [2:41]
15. Scale - Live At The Paris Theatre London UK 1979 [5:11]
16. Into The Valley - Live At The Paris Theatre London UK 1979 [2:53]
17. The Saints Are Coming - Live At The Paris Theatre London UK 1979 [3:14]
18. Night And Day - Live At The Paris Theatre London UK 1979 [2:17]
19. Walk On The Wild Side - Live At The Paris Theatre London UK 1979 [4:48]

cd6 - The John Peel Sessions

01. Of One Skin - BBC John Peel Session [2:34]
02. Open Sound - John Peel Session 16/5/78 [1:51]
03. Contusion - John Peel Session 16/5/78 [2:48]
04. Night And Day - John Peel Session 16/5/78 [2:08]
05. TV Stars - John Peel Session 16/5/78 [1:22]
06. Dossier Of Fallibility - BBC John Peel Session [3:27]
07. Hope And Glory - BBC John Peel Session [4:33]
08. Six Times - BBC John Peel Session [2:05]
09. The Saints Are Coming - BBC John Peel Session [3:14]
10. Summer - John Peel Session 19/2/79 [2:27]
11. Hang On The Shadows - John Peel Session 19/2/79 [3:14]
12. Zit - John Peel Session 19/2/79 [5:21]
13. Walk On The Wild Side - John Peel Session 19/2/79 [4:17]
14. War Poets - John Peel Session 1979 [3:09]
15. Withdrawal Symtoms - John Peel Session 1979 [4:47]
16. Hymn For A Haunted Ballroom - John Peel Session 1979 [3:54]
17. Masquerade - John Peel Session 1979 [2:33]
18. Filming In Africa - John Peel Session 1980 [3:43]
19. An Incident In Algiers - John Peel Session 1980 [2:42]
20. Circus Games - John Peel Session 1980 [4:07]
21. Snakes And Ladders - John Peel Session 1980 [3:11]

Saturday, 19 December 2015

And Man created God...

I Čovek stvori Boga po likovima svojim:
Netolerantnom, Seksisti, Homofobu i Nasilniku.

"Bogovi se uvek ponašaju poput ljudi koji su ih stvorili."
- Zora Neale Hurston, američka folkloristkinja

Atheist Republic

Friday, 18 December 2015

The Ruts - The Virgin Years Box (2015)

The Ruts
The Virgin Years 4CD box

This is a 74 track set featuring pretty much all the band recorded during their time with Virgin Records. Includes the hit singles "Babylon's Burning" (#7), "Something That I Said" (#29), "Staring At The Rude Boys" (#22) and "West One (Sine On Me)" (#43). 
Disc 1 has the #16 charting debut LP The Crack bolstered by six non LP bonus tracks. 
Disc 2 features the Top 30 Grin + Bear It odds'n'sods LP which now comes with two bonus tracks plus previously unreleased BBC Radio 1 Kid Jensen session that is something of a "Holy Grail" amongst Punk collectors. 
Disc 3 comes with three John Peel sessions plus a lively nine track BBC In Concert show from 1979. 
Disc 4 is a warts'n'all show from The Marquee in July 1979, never before officially released and capturing the band at their "in yer face" confrontational best. 
Packaged in a clam shell box with a 20 page booklet featuring detailed liner notes by Roland Link who has just published the bands biography "Love In Vain".

cd1 - The Crack

01. Babylon's Burning (2:35)
02. Dope For Guns (2:11)
03. S.U.S. (3:50)
04. Something That I Said (3:54)
05. You're Just A…. (2:56)
06. It Was Cold (6:49)
07. Savage Circle (3:05)
08. Jah War (6:54)
09. Criminal Mind (1:34)
10. Backbiter (3:02)
11. Out Of Order (1:51)
12. Human Punk (4:36)
13. Babylon's Burning [Single Version] (2:33)
14. Society [Bonus Track] (1:56)
15. Something That I Said [Single Version] (3:06)
16. Give Youth A Chance [Bonus Track] (3:12)
17. Jah War [7'' Version] (3:37)
18. I Ain't Sofisticated [Bonus Track] (2:19)

cd2 - Grin + Bear It

01. West One [Shine On Me] (5:41)
02. Staring At The Rude Boys (3:15)
03. Demolition Dancing (2:35)
04. Secret Soldier (2:18)
05. H-Eyes (2:49)
06. In A Rut (3:41)
07. Love In Vain (4:11)
08. S.U.S. [Live From Chorus Paris France/1980] (3:39)
09. Babylon's Burning [Live From Chorus Paris France/1980] (2:38)
10. Society [Live From Chorus Paris France/1980] (2:03)
11. West One [Shine On Me ] [Edit] (2:56)
12. The Crack [Bonus Track] (5:48)
13. In A Rut [Kid Jensen Session UK / 1979] (3:01)
14. Babylon's Burning [Kid Jensen Session UK / 1979] (2:34)
15. Something That I Said [Kid Jensen Session UK / 1979] (3:58)

cd3 - At The BBC

01. Savage Circle [John Peel Session Uk/1979] (2:58)
02. Babylon´s Burning [John Peel Session Uk/1979] (2:32)
03. Dope For Guns [John Peel Session U K71979] (2:28)
04. Black Man´s Pitch [John Peel SessionUk/1979] (3:09)
05. Criminal Mind [John Peel Session Uk/1979] (1:37)
06. S.U.S. [John Peel Session Uk/1979] (3:17)
07. Society [John Peel Session Uk/1979] (1:54)
08. You´re Just A [John Peel Session Uk/1979] (2:47)
09. It Was Cold [John Peel Session Uk/1979] (5:13)
10. Something That I Said [John Peel Session Uk/1979] (3:18)
11. Staring At The Rude Boys [John Peel Session Uk/1980] (3:22)
12. Demolition Dancing [John Peel Session Uk/1980] (2:37)
13. In A Rut [Jogn Peel Session Uk/1980] (3:14)
14. Serect Soldiers [John Peel Session Uk/1980] (2:19)
15. You´re Just A [Live From The Paris Theater Uk/1979] (3:02)
16. It Was Cold [Live From The Paris Theater Uk/1979] (4:29)
17. I Ain´t Sofisticated [Live From Paris Theater Uk/1979] (2:18)
18. Dope For Guns [Live From The Paris Theater Uk/1979] (2:23)
19. S.U.S. [Live Form The Paris Theater Uk/1979] (3:32)
20. Babylon´s Burning [Live From The Paris Theater Uk/1979] (2:35)
21. Jah War [Live From The Paris Theater Uk/1979] (3:11)
22. Criminal Mind [Live From The Paris Theater Uk/1979] (1:56)
23. In A Rut [Live From The Paris Theater Uk/1979] (4:16)

cd4 - Live At The Marquee

01. Something That I Said [Live At The Marquee UK/1979] (4:47)
02. H-Eyes [Live At The Marquee UK/1979] (2:40)
03. Gotta Little Number [Live At The Marquee UK/1979] (3:06)
04. I Ain´t Sofisticated [Live At The Marquee UK/1979] (3:01)
05. S.U.S. (Live At The Marquee UK/1979) (3:39)
06. Criminal Mind [Live At The Marquee UK/1979] (2:05)
07. Dope For Guns [Live At The Marquee UK/1979] (2:53)
08. Babylon´s Burning [Live At The Marquee UK/1979] (2:54)
09. Backbiter [Live At The Marquee UK/1979] (3:14)
10. Jah War [Live At The Marquee UK/1979] (3:19)
11. You´re Just A [Live At The Marquee UK/1979] (2:57)
12. It Was Cold [Live At The Marquee UK/1979] (5:30)
13. Out Of Order [Live At The Marquee UK/1979] (2:43)
14. In A Rut [Live At The Marquee UK/1979] (6:54)
15. Human Punk [Live At The Marquee UK/1979] (5:47)
16. Savage Circle [Live At The Marquee UK/1979] (3:15)
17. Babylon´s Burning [Reprise Live At The Marquee UK/1979] (2:37)

Thursday, 17 December 2015


So I begin the crossing
My throat burned dry
Searching for Satori
Kick in  the eye

It must be the lesson
Hidden deep inside

Sunday, 13 December 2015


Kad ti jeza uz kičmu juri
Pa u mozak se uvuče
I ledeni te strah dodirne
To me izluđuje
Iako se opireš
Izvući ću te ja
Iz te tišine u kojoj se kriješ

Jedva čekam to da čujem
Dobrodošla na žurku, sestro


Saturday, 12 December 2015

Elizabeth Cady Stanton


11. Žena neka se uči u miru sa svakom pokornošću;
12. Ali ženi ne dopuštam da bude učitelj, niti da vlada mužem, nego da bude mirna.
13. Jer je Adam sazdan prvi, zatim Eva;
14. I Adam se ne prevari; a žena prevarena, postade prestupnica;
15. Ali će se spasti rađanjem djece, ako ostanu u vjeri i ljubavi i svetinji sa čestitošću.

Trudila sam se da razvejem te religijske praznoverice iz umova žena, da ih podučim kako vera treba da im počiva na nauci i razumu; tamo, gde sam i sama našla svoj mir i utehu, što nikada nisam mogla u Bibliji i crkvi. Što one manje vjeruju, to bolje po njihovu ličnu sreću i napredak.
Biblija i crkva su najveći kamen spoticanja na putu ženske emancipacije.

Kada žene konačno shvate da su vlasti i religije samo ljudske izmišljotine; da su Biblije, molitvenici, katehizmi i papska pisma samo emanacije ljudskog mozga - tada ih više ništa neće moći da ugnjetava, krijući se iza raznih zakonskih zabrana pod maskom nebeskog autoriteta: "Gospod je tako rekao".

Atheist Republic

Friday, 11 December 2015

Angelic Upstarts - Bullingdon Bastards (2015)

Angelic Upstarts
Bullingdon Bastards - limited edition double CD

cd 1: "Bullingdon Bastards"
01. Tories, Tories, Tories (Out, Out, Out) (01:28)
02. Until Palestine Is Free (02:03)
03. Man Of Straw (02:57)
04. Like Father, Like Son (02:18)
05. Don't Give An Inch (03:32)
06. Built A House On Sand (01:50)
07. I.D.S.S. (02:23)
08. Take It Apart (03:58)
09. Obscenity (02:42)
10. Reptile Rule (02:30)
11. Streets Of St. Pauli (03:20)
12. Give The Fox A Gun (02:13)

cd 2 (bonus CD): "The Dirty Half Dozen" (6 bonus tracks taken from the split with Crashed Out)
01. Red Flag (02:53)
02. Killing Machine (01:35)
03. King Of The Rats (02:07)
04. Take Me To Cuba (02:50)
05. Nazi B.N.P. (03:57)
06. Not Like It Said In The Song Frank (02:35)

Thursday, 10 December 2015

De profundis

Ukoliko vam se ne sviđaju fundamentalisti vaše religije,
moguće je da sa njom iz fundamenta nešto nije u redu.

Atheist Republic

Wednesday, 9 December 2015

O, Marlen...

O, Marlen, sad patiš zbog budala
Što ti ime po zidovima pišu
Ne odaj nikome tajnu svog života
Da ga svojom bednom rukom ne izbrišu

Suze joj vrele tekle, dok se na kraju
Voljenih priča svojih prisećala
Oprosti, molim te, za ranu svaku
Ne, ne odlazi od nas srca slomljenoga

Peter Murphy
(Deep, 1990)

Tuesday, 8 December 2015

Of ants and men

Ljudi, koji se,
u lancima monotonije,
u strahu da misle,
grčevito drže izvesnosti...
Takvi prožive život kao mravi.

Bela Lugosi

Sunday, 6 December 2015

Police and Thieves

Od Postanja

Do Otkrovenja

Deca vaša biće - počujte me

O, počujte, šta vam velim!

The Clash
(Clash, 1977)

Saturday, 5 December 2015

Strange Attractor - Untitled EP (2011)

Strange Attractor
Untitled Promo EP

01. A Moment (feat. Marie-Claudine, Sonar Lodge)
02. Ray Potato (feat. Blaine L. Reininger, Tuxedomoon)
03. Iron Horse (feat. Graham Lewis, Wire)

Thursday, 3 December 2015

Sham 69 - It'll End In Tears (2015)

Sham 69
It'll End In Tears

01. Attack Attack Attack [4:00]
02. Gentleman John [2:04]
03. Goodbye Billy Blue [3:56]
04. Monkeys Uncle [2:53]
05. Nelly Dean [1:44]
06. Power To The People [3:35]
07. Religion [2:29]
08. Truth Or Dare [2:37]
09. End Of Days [2:35]
10. The Year Of The Idiot [2:57]
11. What's New Pussycat [2:11]
12. Goodbye..... [1:02]

Tuesday, 1 December 2015

The House Of Usher - Inauguration (2015)

The House Of Usher

01. Seagulls / Only Memories Remain [6:03]
02. Call It Superstition [4:59]
03. Death & His Daughters [5:25]
04. Hours Away [4:06]
05. Almost Heaven [5:11]
06. Inauguration [6:05]
07. What Will I Be? [4:33]
08. What If Christ Never Came [5:27]
09. Walk the Shadow Side [5:07]
10. In Her Eyes [3:56]
11. Tantalus Awake! [5:27]
12. Famous Last Words [4:37]

Sunday, 29 November 2015

I was a teenage werewolf

A teenage werewolf
Parallel bars
A teenage girlfriend
Got a lot of scars

Somebody please make me stop
Ohhh please...

The Cramps

Tuesday, 24 November 2015

Space shuttle - Z

Članovi posade spejs-šatla, spavaju...

Creepy - sleepy.

Sunday, 22 November 2015


Samo oni koji su dovoljno blesavi da pomisle kako mogu promeniti svet...

... to zaista mogu da urade.

Saturday, 21 November 2015

Alien vs. Predator

Dakle, šta iz sledećeg video snimka možemo zaključiti:

1. Alien očigledno ima loše urađenu vodovodnu instalaciju u kupatilu, čim ga dovod hladne vode do tuša zajebava na ovaj način. Jasno je da je neophodna hitna intervencija & revizija voda, možda i cele vertikale.
2. Predator ne podiže dasku na WC šolji kada piša u nju, ali vuče vodu da zavara trag. Dakle - mačo.
3. Na osnovu priloženog dokaza, zaključak je da Alien i Predator žive u Srbiji. Garant.

Dobro, bre - i ti, Švarcenegro.
Tri ugursuza.

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