Another twothought.
Saturday, 30 April 2016
U.K. Subs - Ziezo (2016)
U.K. Subs
- The very last album of UK Subs ever, celebrating the end of band's 40yrs career. Further flogging a dead horse following soon.
01. Polarisation (02:36)
02. Oligarchy (02:28)
03. I've Got A Gun (02:17)
04. Evil Vs Evil (02:33)
05. Proto Feminist Heroine (01:52)
06. Disclosure (03:20)
07. Rise (02:48)
08. World War Three (02:54)
09. Dope Fiend (02:20)
10. I Don't Care (03:07)
11. Master Race (03:01)
12. Banksy (03:03)
13. This Machine (01:35)
14. City Of The Dead (02:38)
15. Maid Of Orleans (03:49)
16. Zeitgeist (01:29)
02. Oligarchy (02:28)
03. I've Got A Gun (02:17)
04. Evil Vs Evil (02:33)
05. Proto Feminist Heroine (01:52)
06. Disclosure (03:20)
07. Rise (02:48)
08. World War Three (02:54)
09. Dope Fiend (02:20)
10. I Don't Care (03:07)
11. Master Race (03:01)
12. Banksy (03:03)
13. This Machine (01:35)
14. City Of The Dead (02:38)
15. Maid Of Orleans (03:49)
16. Zeitgeist (01:29)
Friday, 29 April 2016
Thursday, 28 April 2016
The Legendary Pink Dots - Pages of Aquarius (2016)
The Legendary Pink Dots
Pages of Aquarius
1. Mirror Mirror (6:41)
2. The Greatest Story Ever Told (6:47)
3. D-Train (6:17)
4. Credibility (7:11)
5. Trending (6:32)
6. Touching The Forelock (5:30)
7. Prodigal (8:29)
8. Don't Go There / Page Aquarian / Jacob's Ladder (17:09)
9. The Weight Of Water Parts 1-4 (15:55)
2. The Greatest Story Ever Told (6:47)
3. D-Train (6:17)
4. Credibility (7:11)
5. Trending (6:32)
6. Touching The Forelock (5:30)
7. Prodigal (8:29)
8. Don't Go There / Page Aquarian / Jacob's Ladder (17:09)
9. The Weight Of Water Parts 1-4 (15:55)
Saturday, 23 April 2016
23. aprila 1976. The Ramones objavljuju za Sire Records svoj istoimeni prvenac. UK punk jeste zakon, ali zna se čiji je prvi punk album. Od tog dana, pre 40 godina, pa do danas, svako ko se nameračio da pravi bend morao je prvo da nauči kako se svira Blitzkrieg Bop. Ne znaš - nema benda, i tačka. Prvo BP, a posle sviraj šta hoćeš.
1-2-3-4 fora na početku svake pesme važi i za njenu izvedbu. Baš pomenuta Blitzkrieg Bop ima samo 4 kvaziakorda, čuvene "dvojke" (možda je bolje to nazvati hvatom): 4x ovde, pa 4x ovde i još 4x ovde, sve to 4x pa onda još 4x tamo i onde sve iz početka. Jedan pogled na tablaturu objašnjava sve, da ne dužim.
Kada su ušli u studio da bi snimili svoj prvi album, The Ramones su već imali gotovih tridesetak pesama - dovoljno za tri albuma. Tako su ih potom i objavili, na "Ramones", "Leave home" i "Rocket to Russia". Redosled pesama na prvencu je u potpunosti identičan sa plejlistom na koncertima.
Omot albuma je priča za sebe...
Kada su konačno pronašli zgodno mesto (privatno dvorište) gde bi na miru uradili fotografiju za omot, Dee Dee je prvo ugazio u dogshit, to sastrugao sa patike nekom motkom, pa je potom tom istom motkom pokušao da mlati ostale članove benda. Takođe, retko ko primećuje srednji prst koji je Johnny "slučajno" ostavio da viri. Da bi slika ispala što manje kilava, fotograf Roberta Bayley je zahtevala da se predugački Joey pogrbi a prekratki Tommy propne pa prste. Prava na fotografiju je izdavačka kompanija otkupila za bednih 125 dolara. Ovakva postavka, kao sa fotografije, postala je standard omota The Ramones albuma.
Album "Ramones" predstavlja remek delo jednostavnosti, koja leži u suštini punka ali i samog rock'n'rolla. Iako u početku žestoko ignorisan od kritičara i medija, prvi album The Ramones opravdano svrstavaju među najuticajnije albume u istoriji muzike.
Dokaz da se može sve, samo kad se u to veruje.
Then your love, today the world.
Thursday, 21 April 2016
Liz Rotten
God save the Queen
She ain't no human being
Oh God save history
God save your mad parade
Oh Lord God have mercy
All crimes are paid
God save your mad parade
Oh Lord God have mercy
All crimes are paid
Don't be told what you want
Don't be told what you need
There's no future
No future
No future for you
Don't be told what you need
There's no future
No future
No future for you
In the UK, "God save the Queen" 7'' outsold the #1 song at the time, Rod Stewart's single "I Don't Want To Talk About It", but mysteriously and controversially stayed at #2.
Monday, 18 April 2016
Sunday, 17 April 2016
I'm so bored with the USA
koji je imao u Kambodži
al' sada nema kintu ni za jedan šot.
Jenki dolar priča svakom diktatoru
zapravo mu naređuje
jer on ne sme da propusti ni reč izgovorenu.
Jenki detektivi su stalno na ti-vi
jer ubice u Americi
rade sedam dana u nedelji.
Jebeš zvezde i štrafte
dajte Votergejt trake!
Živeo novi talas od koga vam nema spasa.
Napred Starski - za C.I.A.
Sisaj ga, Kodžak - za U.S.A.
U.S.A. su tako naporne,
ali šta ja tu mogu?
The Clash
(The Clash, CBS Records April 1977)
Thursday, 14 April 2016
Pre tačno 30 godina, 14. aprila 1986. Cocteau Twins su objavili svoj četvrti oficijelni album Victorialand.
1. Lazy calm (6:36)
2. Fluffy tufts (3:06)
3. Throughout the dark monts of April and May (3:05)
4. Whales tails (3:16)
5. Oomingmak (2:43)
6. Little spacey (2:36)
7. Feet-like fins (3:26)
8. How to bring a blush to the snow (3:50)
9. The thinner the air (3:16)
"Throughout the dark monts of April and May"
℗&© 1986 4AD CAD602
Wednesday, 13 April 2016
Monday, 11 April 2016
Born For Bliss - Better Than Me (2016)
Born For Bliss
Better Than Me EP
The new Born For Bliss single, "Better Than Me" is taken from the highly rated full album "Falling Back To Never". Besides the title track, this 5-track EP release includes a cover version of "Somebody To Love" (Jefferson Airplane) as well as a remix of "Walk On By" (Kikai Edit) an "Air mix" of "Thorns" by All Hallows Eve and a new instrumental track "Into The Abyss".
The new Born For Bliss single, "Better Than Me" is taken from the highly rated full album "Falling Back To Never". Besides the title track, this 5-track EP release includes a cover version of "Somebody To Love" (Jefferson Airplane) as well as a remix of "Walk On By" (Kikai Edit) an "Air mix" of "Thorns" by All Hallows Eve and a new instrumental track "Into The Abyss".
1. Better Than Me 05:54
2. Somebody To Love (Jefferson Airplane cover) 04:29
3. Walk On By (Kikai edit) 07:20
4. Thorns (Air mix by All Hallows Eve) 04:44
Sunday, 10 April 2016
Chaos UK - Shit Man Fucker! 7'' (2016)
Chaos UK
hit Man Fucker! 7''
Over the past 35+ years, Bristol's Chaos UK have helped to pioneer so many different styles that it's difficult to keep track. Getting a handle on the embarrassment of riches that is their discography is difficult enough; mapping the influence they've had on worldwide punk and hardcore would be a herculean task, though one would be remiss not to mention how central their sound is to the development of Kyushu-style noise-punk and Burning Spirits hardcore in Japan. Now they're back with a brand new 4-song 7'', and it's as loud, political, and uncompromising as anything they've done before. You can hear strains of their old stuff throughout these tracks: the catchy choruses of their earliest Riot City-era singles; the noise and the manic pogo beats of their Short, Sharp, Shock period; the metallic crunch of their 90s material. While it's tempting to call this new 7'' a distillation of everything that's come before, in reality it's simply a band who has remained consistently innovative and exciting for nearly four decades doing what they do best.
(540 Records #57)
1. Void (1:54)
2. Imposed (2:16)
3. Systemised (1:53)
4. Demise (1:45)
2. Imposed (2:16)
3. Systemised (1:53)
4. Demise (1:45)
Saturday, 9 April 2016
What I need
Ono što mi jako treba
Gotovo je
Ono što mi tako treba, to su dani i noći
Ono što mi treba, u svetlima izgubljeni
Ono što mi treba, nije tako prosto
Ono što mi treba, jeste neverovatno
Ono što mi treba, to je takva frka
Ono što mi treba, nikada ne nađem
Ono što mi treba, nikad ne uradim
Ono što mi treba, uvek propadne
Ono što mi tako treba, to su dani
Ono što mi tako treba, to su noći
Noir Désir
Friday, 8 April 2016
Thursday, 7 April 2016
Contact the fact
Ti si svet, stvaran svet za mene
Gledam te kao usporen film, dok ideš
Sve što dodirnem u prah nestaje
Svako koga gledam, gleda u mene
Čudna je sudbina - da živimo zajedno
Čudno je samouništenje - da umremo zajedno
Svu lepotu uzimamo zdravo za gotovo
Svu bol prihvatamo kao nešto normalno
Izvadi me, izvadi iz sebe
Uzmi šta hoćeš od mene
Zato što te znam, mrzim kad sam lud
Tu stranu moje ljubavi bolje da ne znaš
Kontakt je fakt
I treba mi
Kontakt sa tobom
Jer trebaš mi ti
The Sound
Wednesday, 6 April 2016
Tuesday, 5 April 2016
Rome - Coriolan (2016)
Monday, 4 April 2016
Escarlatina Obsessiva - Drusba (2016)
Escarlatina Obsessiva
- The Banshees of rainforest from São Thomé das Letras, Brazil.
A few words about Drusba:
We planned to split the release of our new album Drusba, and to make a net version with less songs, for free download, plus the full album version available only on CDs and vinyls. But to cut songs from it would be like to cut scenes from a movie... because that's what Drusba is: a film without images.The images will appear into each listener's mind... It has a beggining linked to an end, in a chain of causes and effects, and develops itself around a constant, a theme, as such as a script, and it must be heard at once, if possible, from start to end, like a film... So we made the full album available for free download in 256kbps mp3's, since our songs are made essencially to be listened to... The songs in high quality files and lyrics will be available on CDs and vinyls, to be released soon by the Californian label Mass Media Records.
If you liked the album and wish to donate any amount to help the band, please, write us to and we will keep on developing this website: soon here you'll be able to buy our records, to download our albums, some available lyrics, photos, videos, gigs informations and everything else about Escarlatina Obsessiva!
We hope you enjoy Drusba, and we'd love to receive your feedback about the album, any comments or sugestions either via facebook or email.
01. Drusba
02. Tiny Boat
03. In Athens With a Lamp
04. Mad Girl Singing
05. Familiar Catacombs
06. Minotaur Maze
07. Bodies That Devour
08. Deny! Deny!
09. Lions of Stone
10. Poisoned Water
11. Eurydice
12. Primal Beast
13. Marcello
14. Cry Crocodile
15. The Absurd Man
02. Tiny Boat
03. In Athens With a Lamp
04. Mad Girl Singing
05. Familiar Catacombs
06. Minotaur Maze
07. Bodies That Devour
08. Deny! Deny!
09. Lions of Stone
10. Poisoned Water
11. Eurydice
12. Primal Beast
13. Marcello
14. Cry Crocodile
15. The Absurd Man
Sunday, 3 April 2016
Saturday, 2 April 2016
What I see
Osećaj me proganja -
Školjka iza tih očiju je izgleda prazna.
Pitam se, živi li neko unutra?
Hoću da živim a voleo bih da sam mrtav.
Srce mi krvari od bola jer vara me to što vidim.
Moja sloboda je dvostruka oštrica.
Gledam te u oči i vidim...
Ja bih da živim, voleo bih da sam mrtav.
Neću da razmišljam,
Zaglavljen sam, i ja to dobro znam.
Ne želim da gledam, nateraj me da sklopim oči.
Hoću da živim, voleo bih da sam mrtav.
Život je hladan, a sve je u njemu.
Moram da osećam, um da isključim.
Počinje očaj...
Na samom početku ja već vidim kraj.
Nije pravo, nisam u pravu, nisi u pravu.
Moram da sklopim oči.
Gledam te u oči, i vidim uvek isto.
Živimo laž pa skočimo, samo da umre.
Hoću da živim, voleo bih da sam mrtav.
Samo da sklopim oči.
Moram da sklopim oči.
Black Flag
(Damaged, 1981)
Friday, 1 April 2016
When I was bed
06.07.1963 - 01.04.1998
O, kad postelja sam bio
Pre nego što jorgovan po plahtama ona razbaca
Namirisane kose puderom belim
Bez ukusa gorkog sa obraza njegovih
O, postelja sam bio
Pre jorgovana razbacanih
Drevnosti tog trena, jednog
Kad cipele mu nečiste behu
Jer miris opstanka zaboravismo brzo
Prekrivenog ružama i suzama mučnim
O, bio sam postelja
I pre jorgovana po plahtama razbacanih
Christian Death
(Ashes, 1985)
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