Medical Records proudly presents a special limited edition of all 3 “Forgotten Tracks, Sketches and Unfinished Work 2002-2004” by Martial Canterel as a triple gatefold set. Volume I was released previously in 2013, and Volume II and III are simultaneously being released by Medical Records as standalones. Sean McBride has been producing work under the Martial Canterel moniker dating back to 2002 as well as working as half of Xeno And Oaklander. These tracks capture the allure and depth of Sean’s early work exploring rhythms and perfectly crafted pop songs using a very early incarnation of limited instrumentation. Fans of Martial Canterel’s early work (think “Austerton” and “Sister Age”) will be instantly elated. This is the first time these tracks have been released on vinyl and have been remastered for this release by Martin Bowes at the Cage, UK. Contains special bonus insert with lyrics. Fans of early Martial Canterel as well as other cold wave icons such as A Blaze Color, Snowy Red, and the like will need this collection. Presented on high-quality 180gram classic vinyl in a triple gatefold pack.
01. White as Chalk (Maxi Mix) (7:32) 02. Filling the Graves (Maxi Mix) (7:09) 03. Filling the Graves [En Esch Mix] (7:22) 04. B-Side (4:47) 05. Can We All Forgive (4:33) 06. Don't Listen to the Voices (5:34) 07. I Know What a Man Contains (5:37) 08. Moonman (5:24) 09. Fragments (feat. Mirland) (5:34) 10. Bear Wrestler (feat. [Android Kölon : 58 ] )) (2:55) 11. The Art of Murder (feat. Caffetine) (3:42) 12. Body Machine Mody (Live in Kassel) (7:11)
18. februara 1977. The Damned su objavili svoj album-prvenac, naslovljen trostrukim ponavljanjem njihovog imena: "Damned, Damned, Damned" - što bi se na srpskom reklo, "triput prokleti bili". Bio je to prvi dugosvirajući album koji je izdao jedan britanski punk bend, čime su The Damned zaseli na apsolutno mesto #1 jer su takođe vlasnici i prvog britanskog punk 7-inčnog vinila "New Rose" (1976).
Album je odradila identična ekipa sa prvog singla: Dave Vanian (vokal), Brian James (gitara), Captain Sensible (bas) i Rat Scabies (bubnjevi). Na top listama, najviša pozicija koju je osvojio bila je #36 na UK top listi albuma. U originalnoj verziji, na njemu se nalazi 12 pesama od kojih je 10 uradio James, jednu Rat a "I feel alright" je obrada Iggy Popovog originala.
Povodom 30-godišnjice izlaska ovog albuma, 2007. je objavljeno specijalno izdanje sa ukupno 50 studijskih, demo i uživo snimaka pesama koje su - svaka na svoj način - povezane sa originalnim izdanjem.
Trenutno, The Damned odrađuju UK-EU-US turneju posvećenu 40-godišnjici postojanja te trostruke prokletinje.
Fresh new explosive music from HC-punk-Motorheadish trio out of Belgrade (Serbia). "No Mask, No Disguise" is Concrete Worms' 6th issue, along with two full albums, two EPs and a cassette, released just three days ago.
1. Walls [0:55]
2. Born In the Gutter [1:57]
3. Led Like Cattle [2:54]
4. Nothing To Lose [3:25]
5. Hypocrite [1:55]
6. Cursed [2:54]
A comedy-drama from 2016 about coming of age and aging in the late ’70s, "20th Century Women" features a soundtrack that mixes punk, new wave, and big band-era classics. In Mike Mills’ new semi-autobiographical film, Annette Benning stars as Dorothea, a single mother who tries to help her son Jamie (Lucas Jade Zumann) grow up with the help of her tenant Abbie (Greta Gerwig) and her neighbor Julie (Elle Fanning). Music plays a key role in the film as Dorothea tries to understand Jamie’s love of punk rock, and Abbie bonds with Jamie by going to punk clubs.
The soundtrack reflects the film's time period with music from artists who helped define the era. In addition to groups such as Buzzcocks, Siouxsie & The Banshees, Germs, Suicide and Devo, Talking Heads are featured twice here, with the ’70s selections "Don’t Worry About the Government" and "The Big Country". Fare representing a prior generation includes "In a Sentimental Mood" by Benny Goodman & His Orchestra, "Basin Street Blues" by Louis Armstrong & His Hot Five, and a nostalgic "As Time Goes By" by the Vagabond Lover, Rudy Vallée. A sum total of 14 songs are peppered with ambient score tracks by composer Roger Neill, bringing the track list to 19.
Annette Bening commented on this: "An Oscar For '20th Century Women' would be incredible."
01. Roger Neill - Santa Barbara, 1979 [2:36] 02. Talking Heads - Don’t Worry About the Government (Remastered Version) [2:59] 03. Louis Armstrong & His Hot Five - Basin Street Blues [3:15] 04. The Raincoats - Fairytale in the Supermarket [2:59] 05. Siouxsie & the Banshees - Love in a Void [2:30] 06. Roger Neill - Modern People [3:32] 07. Benny Goodman & His Orchestra - In a Sentimental Mood [3:40] 08. The Germs - Media Blitz [1:30] 09. David Bowie - DJ (1999 Remastered Version) [4:01] 10. Roger Neill - All of My Objects [2:38] 11. Sandy Williams - After Hours On Dream Street [3:17] 12. Suicide - Cheree (1998 Remastered Version) [3:42] 13. Fred Astaire - This Heart of Mine [3:06] 14. Devo - Gut Feeling (Slap Your Mammy) [Remastered] [4:58] 15. Roger Neill - Everything On Television [2:50] 16. Talking Heads - The Big Country (Remastered Version) [5:33] 17. Rudy Vallee & His Connecticut Yankees - As Time Goes By [03:34] 18. Buzzcocks - Why Can’t I Touch It? (2001 Remastered Version) [6:36] 19. Roger Neill - The Politics of Orgasm [3:54]
Legendary British band The Godfathers return with a triumphant bang! Known for the highly acclaimed & influential albums "Birth School Work Death" & "Hit By Hit" that have had critics & fans worldwide drooling over the band for decades, the new album fuses trademark primal rock & roll, super-melodic anthems, raw guitars & a gritty, lyrical attitude. "A Big Bad Beautiful Noise" is a career best!
A founding member of the groundbreaking Bauhaus, Tones on Tail, and Love and Rockets, guitarist, singer, and songwriter Daniel Ash distinguished himself in the world of alternative rock during the 1970s, '80s, and '90s.
While Daniel Ash's first solo album, "Coming Down", was a moody, late-night rumination written in the aftermath of divorce, "Foolish Thing Desire", his second, was a celebration of life's perils and pleasures, recorded at Woodbine Street Studios with longtime collaborator John A. Rivers. It's essentially positive, presenting a rush of passionate and powerful rock riffs. In 2002, Ash released a self-titled album that flirted with electronic dance which was followed three years later by a live album "Come Alive". "Freedom of Love" is 4th studio album of his solo career, released 15 years after the third.
Outernational has released this video for their new song "Decision" on January 20th - the POTUS Inauguration Day. With shearing guitars and harsh beats, this NYC punk/world rockers have a bit forgotten about their south of the border influences for a while, but they have surely built a very angry anthem. We won’t live like this! repeats frontman Miles Solay, who sent this message with the video:
You can’t say you hate this while you’re waiting for the cure
I’ll give my life and all I have but I want to know, will you be there?
You don’t know, you don’t know, you don’t know, you don’t know, you don’t know
Na današnji dan, 7. februara 2017. godine, svet će po peti put biti povezan zajedničkim sećanjem na The Clash. Ove godine će posebna pažnja na KEXP radiju u Sijetlu biti posvećena trostrukom uticaju koji su oni izvršili na društvo:
- jutarnji program je fokusiran na bitne poruke koje su The Clash slali putem svojih nastupa na radiju
- podnevni program kao temu ima uticaj drugih kultura na muziku i stavove The Clash
- popodnevni program se bavi iskazivanjem protesta kroz stihove i muziku
Nasleđe koje su za sobom ostavili The Clash i Joe Strummer čuva i dalje nastavlja Joe Strummer Foundation, organizacija posvećena pružanju šanse muzičarima i projektima iz celog sveta da kroz muziku iskažu moć i uticaj koje ona ima na društvo.
Ljudi sa KEXP radija smatraju da su stavovi i motivi The Clash i njihove radio stanice isti: muzika, pobuna i pomeranje granica. Baš kao i u svemu što su The Clash radili, na KEXP možete čuti svetski zvuk i protestne pesme u kojima se izražava jako uverenje da radio talasi sadrže moć promene.
Danas, više nego ikad, moramo ostati ujedinjeni i ne dopustiti da nas podele. Zato podržavamo ovaj dan koji je posvećen The Clash. Svako ko poseduje makar minimum osećaja za odgovornost prema čovečanstvu, poštuje taj bend i njegov uticaj u svetu. Krajem 70tih i početkom 80tih godina, oni su definitivno opravdali slogan koji ih je svuda pratio - "jedini bend koji je bitan". To je bilo vreme kada su političke i društvene podele i razlike dosegle svoje ekstreme. Danas se to isto ponovo dešava svuda širom sveta. Jedina razlika je u tome da danas imamo društvene mreže koje podjednako pojačavaju i maskiraju istinu, tako zbunjujući one koji za njom tragaju.
Međunarodni dan posvećen The Clash pruža mladim generacijama šansu da se upoznaju sa bendom kroz Strummerove promukle stihove, javno prozovu sve one koji kuju razne i pozovu ljude širom sveta da ustanu, ujedine se i suprotstave takvima. Joe Strummer je jednom lepo rekao "Bez ljudi si niko i ništa, i nijedna dovoljno istinita reč nije izgovorena."
"Know your rights" je prvi singl sa The Clash albuma "Combat Rock" iz 1982. godine. To je oštra pasma na temu građanskih prava siromašnih i obespravljenih. Poštovanje muzike i poruke The Clash predstavlja jedan od načina borbe za prava onih kojima je njihova moć oduzeta i protiv svega što bi da nas deli.
Poznaj svoja prava, sva tri:
Prvo - imaš pravo da ne budeš ubijen
Ubistvo je zločin, osim ako ga ne počine policajac ili aristokrata
Drugo - imaš pravo da zarađuješ novac
Naročito ako ti ne smeta malo saslušanja, poniženja i (ako se pokaješ) rehabilitacije
Treće - imaš pravo na slobodu govora
Dokle god ne budeš dovoljno glup da to zaista pokušaš
Strummerove reči "Budućnost nije napisana" jasno govore o tome da ona zavisi od nas, od toga kako ćemo je mi sami pisati. Na današnji dan, 7. februara, muzika The Clash će biti himna predanog rada, odlučnosti i posvećenosti borbi za vrednosti slobodnog društva i zajedničkog sveta.
Strummerville A Go-Go #003 is a joint fundraising album for The Joe Strummer Foundation & Oxfam America to help raise funds for 'Crisis in Syria' appeal. As Joe says: "Without people, you're nothing". Released November 14, 2016.
01. Outernational - The Beginning Is Here [4:39] 02. Counting Coins - Freak Show [4:04] 03. Sleaze - Push Tuck [3:14] 04. SISTERAY - Gentrification [2:38] 05. Flying Vipers - Dragon Snout [2:32] 06. Kid Kapichi - Ice Cream [3:24] 07. They Uncultured - Bark Like A Dog [1:51] 08. Bully Bones - All In This Together, Right? [1:30] 09. Emily Capell - Hit The Road Jack [1:52] 10. Bud Sugar - Shudup [4:30] 11. Bex Grant - Road Away [3:42] 12. Tom Bright - Lois Lane [2:32] 13. Danny Onions - Paradise [3:40] 14. BILLIONAIRE - Next Year's Model [3:52] 15. Hillbilly Troupe & Les Dobbs - The Battle Of Corporation Fields [3:44] 16. One Eyed Wayne - Shakey Shakey [2:31] 17. Circe's Diner - October [3:02] 18. Chiedu Oraka - Chiedu Oraka [2:17] 19. Abstract Benna - The Nuke-clear Family [4:15]